Deeply Dapper is happy to accept payment via PayPal, including all major credit cards via their site!
Due to our remote location, items may take up to 5-8 days to be shipped after purchase. Most US orders are being delivered within a week after shipping. All items are shipped USPS First Class or First Class International.
Please check your address closely!!! All orders are shipped to the address that is given to us with your order, unless you specifically request otherwise. If it is wrong, missing information or goes to an address that cannot accept packages, it will be returned to us. We would be happy to re-send your order if it is returned to us, but an additional shipping charge for the cost of the second mailing will be charged. See our refund policy for additional info about shipping.
Refunds and Exchanges
All items sold in our shop are made by hand and some variation in appearance will occur, but we want everyone that buys our products to be happy with their purchase and will make every effort to that end. If you would like a certain detail changed or a photo of the exact item before shipping, contact us - we'd be glad to oblige. Please read all of the listings closely - we make a concentrated effort to describe exactly what the product is you are ordering and if you don't see something explained - please ask!
We have made it a point to package our products securely for safe arrival, wrapping them in bubble wrap, tissue paper and a solid box before shipping.
Your satisfaction is guaranteed within the first two weeks of arrival! All products can be returned for 100% of the item price. (You are are responsible for return shipping fees. Items must be returned in original condition and original or comparable packaging.)
Once an item is mailed, we cannot be responsible for items lost, delayed by the USPS or marked as "Delivered" and cannot offer refunds in those cases. All of our items are shipped in the US via 1st class mail and have tracking numbers attached for your convenience and are mailed to the exact address stated on your receipt - please double check it for accuracy. The wrong zip code or street spelling could result in a returned package or delayed delivery.. If you are concerned and would like to add a delivery signature confirmation or insurance, please contact us before ordering.
Additional Policies and FAQs
Note - This shop is not endorsed or commissioned by JK Rowling, Harry Potter, Scholastic, Warner Brothers, Lego, Lucasfilm, The Ministry Of Magic or any associated company. It is intended to celebrate the love and enthusiasm for the properties, not infringe upon or compete with the officially licensed products in any way.